When it comes to selling your home, the bottom line is that you want to get the best possible deal and you want to get it as soon as possible. With the right planning, organization and marketing strategy, selling your home need not be an ordeal. Here are the things that you have to remember when preparing to sell your home:

Prep ahead.

It’s good to think ahead and prep your house months before you plan to sell it. This will give you enough time to make any necessary adjustments or fix any plumbing or sewer problems that may take some time to fix.

Stage it.

Do not underestimate the power of home-staging and landscaping to make your house more appealing to prospective buyers. In fact, this technique is proven to be so effective in improving home sales that companies who rent out furniture specifically for the purpose of home staging now exist.

Price it right.

When it comes to pricing you home, keep in mind that the price you come up with should remain competitive and consistent with the comparable homes available in your neighborhood. It pays to be objective at this stage and pricing is something you need to get right the first time around.


Make sure to hire a REALTOR with considerable experience in the community that your home is located in and with the type of property you’re selling. With REALTORs having a wide range of contacts and knowledge about the real estate market, they are valuable allies especially when it comes down to negotiations and marketing your property – not to mention, they are well-versed on all the legal requirements that come with a home sale.

Be patient.

A home sale is a multi-step process. After you’ve accepted an offer and the contract has been drafted and signed off on, your home will have to undergo the necessary inspections. Renegotiations may be necessary if the buyer finds issues or, conversely, if they have certain obligations they can’t meet. Keep a cool head and keep your eyes on the prize. Your Realtor and attorney should be able to advise you whether or not it’s a good idea to stick it out or walk away from the deal.


We offer the highest level of expertise and service with integrity. Julie Whitmer understands the importance of working as a partner with her clients. Julie’s experience in real estate construction, design and investing adds tremendous value for her clients.

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