Recycle Your Christmas Tree

Julie Whitmer

After a heart-warming and memorable holiday, the last thing you want to worry about is clean up. A big part of that is the removal of the Christmas tree? What do you do with that once fresh spur that is now bare and molting? For those folks in Contra Costa County, you can breath easy with a county-wide tree removal service!
Excerpt from Danville Today:

The Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority each year conducts a tree collection in the weeks following Jan. 1, 2017, with each week featuring pickups in the various municipalities that make up the authority.
For Danville residents, pickup will be during the week of January 2-6, 2017. The pickup will be made on the normal garbage pickup day.
Before leaving your tree out for pickup be sure to remove all lights, ornaments, and tinsel. Any trimmings or branches from the tree can be placed with the tree at the curbside. Trees over 10 feet in height should be cut in half. NO artificial or flocked tree can be taken, as the trees that are picked up are composted and the flocking materials would damage the machinery. Also do not leave the tree in a stand when leaving it out for pickup.
For those residents who miss their pickup day, crews will do another sweep during the week of January 16-20, 2017
For more information, contact RecycleSmart at (925) 685-4711


We offer the highest level of expertise and service with integrity. Julie Whitmer understands the importance of working as a partner with her clients. Julie’s experience in real estate construction, design and investing adds tremendous value for her clients.

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